"15 Fascinating and Little-Known Facts About Father's Day That Will Leave You in Awe"
1. The first Father's Day celebration took place in Spokane, Washington, in 1910, thanks to Sonora Smart Dodd, who wanted to honour her father's dedication.
2. Unlike Mother's Day, which has ancient roots, Father's Day is a relatively modern holiday.
3. Father's Day is celebrated on different dates around the world, with variations ranging from March to December.
4. The official flower of Father's Day is the rose. A red rose is worn to honor a living father, while a white rose represents a father who has passed away.
5. In Germany, Father's Day is known as "Vatertag," and it often involves men venturing out on hiking trips or celebrating with beer.
6. The world record for the largest gathering of people dressed as fathers was set in the Netherlands in 2018, with 1,142 participants.
7. Father's Day is an occasion to honor not only biological fathers but also stepfathers, adoptive fathers, and father figures.
8. Neckties have become a popular Father's Day gift, dating back to the early 20th century when they were considered a fashionable accessory.
9. The most common Father's Day gift is a greeting card, followed by special outings, clothing, and electronics.
10. The highest numbers of phone calls are made on Father's Day compared to any other day of the year.
11. In Thailand, Father's Day coincides with the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej, a highly revered figure and a symbol of paternal love.
12. The American President Lyndon B. Johnson officially declared Father's Day a national holiday in 1966.
13. The word "dad" is believed to have originated from the Welsh term "tad" and the Germanic word "tata."
14. Father's Day spending in the United States reached a record high of $17 billion in 2022.
15. Father's Day is not only celebrated on Earth but also aboard the International Space Station, where astronauts honor their fathers from orbit.