5G Frequently Asked Questions

What is 5G?

5G is the fifth generation of the mobile network. 5G is the latest global standard after 4G. Mobile network evaluated from 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G and then 5G. 5G network offers various use cases where millions of devices will be connected to each other along with machine, objects, and devices.
5G network will not only provide high speed internet service, it will also enables so many new services like AR/VR services which requires ultra-low latency, internet of things etc.

Who invented 5G?

5G is not invented by a single company or single person. 3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Project) is the standard community where many companies participate and work for standardizing new technology like 5G.
3GPP is defining specification for all 5G domain including UE. RAN, Core domain.

What underlying technologies make up 5G?

OFDM (Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing) modulation technology is being used to modulate the digital signal over different channel to reduce interference.
5G NR air interface which enhance the OFDM to deliver highly scalable and flexible environment in the RAN network.
CNF (Cloud native network function) is another technology for network functions for building 5G network.
5G can operate on Lower band, Mid band, and high band as well.
Lower band: Lower band frequency less than 1GHz. Lower band frequency provides higher coverage. But it will not penetrate walls and other obstacle. So, indoor coverage will not be good in lower band.
Mid band: Mid band frequency is between 1 GHz – 6 GHz. Mid band frequencies provide good coverage and capacity. Mid band frequency is ideal for 5G.
High band: High band frequency is 24 GHz band and higher. This is also called millimetre wave spectrum. High band provide super-fast speed but it’s coverage area will be less.
So, ideal 5G deployment will be combination of all low band, mid band, and high band.

What are the differences between 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G of mobile networks and 5G?

1G: 1G provide analog voice service.
2G: 2G provide digital voice, SMS service and very low speed GPRS data    service.
3G: 3G introduce faster mobile data service than 2G.
4G: 4G bring mobile broadband service.
5G: 5G provide high speed mobile broadband service and open for new business use case for most of the industry like safer transportation, remote healthcare, precision agriculture, digitized logistics.

How is 5G better than 4G?

5G is many times faster than 4G.
4G is comparatively slow than 5G.
5G capacity is more than 4G. It’s not only offer faster mobile broadband, but it opens many doors for new business-like mission-critical communications and the massive IoT.
4G capacity is lower than 5G.
5G offers lower latency services which enables many industrial use cases.
4G latency is more than 5G.
Spectrum uses in 5G is better than 4G.
Spectrum uses in 4G is not efficient as 5G.
5G network capacity is more than 4G.
4G network capacity is less than 4G.

How will 5G affect the global economy?

5G is a momentum for now a day. It is creating a global economy growth.
It is estimated that 5G will drive around 13.1 trillion dollars economic growth. 5G is going to create 22.8 million new jobs. The company will invest 265B dollars in R&D.

How will 5G affect me?

5G provide very high-speed mobile broadband where we can enjoy live video content without any lag. Metaverse service which is highly dependent on 5G. It will help us to connect virtually and do many other things.

Where is 5G being used?

There many uses of 5G. The main use case of 5G is given below.
Enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB):
eMBB service is mainly focused on high data rates and high mobility.
Massive Machine Type Communications (mMTC) :
mMTC service is mainly focused on high device density, low data rate, long range, and low cost. Example: industrial IoT.
Ultra-Reliability and Low Latency Communications (uRLLC):
uRLLC service is mainly focused on applications requiring low data rate, but highly available and responsive (low latency) networks. Example: AR/VR services.

How do consumers use 5G?

Consumer will use high speed mobile broadband services. Additionally, consumer will use AR, VR and XR services, IoT services, OTT content, high quality online gaming service, cloud service etc.

How do businesses use 5G?

There are lot of business use case for 5G. Few of them are listed below:
–      Smart factory
–      Remote surgery
–      Smart city
–      Agriculture
–      Drone service
–      Education

How do cities use 5G?

Smart cities are one of the major use cases for 5G. Smart city use internet of things (IoT) which will collect data from all connected devices and provide real time insights on it.

How fast is 5G?

5G will provide more than 1 Gbps internet speed in mobile.

How does 5G work?

OFDM (Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing) modulation technology is being used to modulate the digital signal over different channel to reduce interference.
5G NR air interface which enhance the OFDM to deliver highly scalable faster and flexible environment in the RAN network.
5G enables additional services like mMTC and uRLLC services along with eMBB service.

Does 5G change my home internet service?

Yes. 5G can change the home Internet services by providing wireless broadband services to the home. 5G is going to replace DSLR broadband services and reduce fixed line broadband service. Wireless broadband service is easy to reach the remote places of the villages for providing broadband services.

Is 5G available now?

Yes 5 services how already available in many countries like India USA China and Korea.

When will 5G be available for massive use?

The massive use of 5G is dependent on the availability of 5G mobile. Although there are plenty of 5G mobile handsets available.

Do I need a new phone if I want 5G?

Yes, you will need 5G mobile handset for using 5G services. If your mobile handset is based on Snapdragon 5G mobile platforms, then you can easily access 5G service.

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