The Dark Side of BGP Hijacking: What You Need to Know to Protect Your Network


The internet is an ever-changing space, and so are the associated threats and vulnerabilities. One such threat is BGP hijacking, which is on the rise and has the potential to cause significant damage to organizations that rely on the internet. In this article, we will explore BGP hijacking, how it works, its dangers, and how you can protect your network against it.

Definition of BGP

BGP stands for Border Gateway Protocol. It is a routing protocol used to exchange routing information between internet service providers (ISPs). BGP allows ISPs to control the flow of internet traffic across their networks by determining the optimal path for data to travel. However, BGP lacks built-in security mechanisms, which makes it vulnerable to attacks like hijacking.

What is BGP Hijacking?

BGP hijacking is a type of attack where an attacker hijacks the routing information exchanged between ISPs to redirect internet traffic to a different destination. The attacker can intercept, modify, or steal the traffic flowing through the hijacked network. BGP hijacking can occur due to misconfigurations, software bugs, or malicious activities.

Importance of Protecting Your Network from BGP Hijacking

The impact of BGP hijacking can be severe, and it is essential to take measures to protect your network. If your network is hijacked, you could experience significant downtime, loss of revenue, financial damages, and damage to your reputation. Therefore, it is crucial to be aware of the basics of BGP hijacking, its dangers, and how to detect and prevent it.

The BGP Hijacking, How It Works?

BGP hijacking starts when the attacker announces itself as the owner of a network or a set of IP addresses. The attacker then broadcasts this announcement to the rest of the internet, hoping that other networks will update their routing tables and send traffic to the attacker’s network. When the traffic arrives at the attacker’s network, they can intercept, modify, or steal it.

Types of BGP Hijacking

There are three main types of BGP hijacking:

  • Prefix hijacking: the attacker announces itself as the legitimate owner of a prefix, causing traffic to flow to their network.
  • Session hijacking: the attacker hijacks the session established between two networks to redirect traffic to their network.
  • Man in the Middle (MITM) hijacking: the attacker intercepts and modifies traffic flowing between two networks.

Motivations behind BGP Hijacking

There are several motivations behind BGP hijacking. Some attackers do it to steal data, while others do it to conduct espionage or sabotage. Some attackers use BGP hijacking to redirect traffic to their own networks to launch DDoS attacks or spread malware. Financial gain can also be a motivation for hijacking, with some attackers redirecting traffic to their own advertising networks or phishing sites.

The Dangers of BGP Hijacking

Impact on Internet Traffic, BGP hijacking can cause significant disruptions to internet traffic, resulting in a loss of service for businesses and individuals. Large-scale hijacking attacks can cause internet-wide outages, affecting millions of users. Even small hijacking attacks can have a significant impact on the performance of affected networks.

Consequences for Businesses and Organizations

Businesses and organizations that rely on the internet, particularly e-commerce and financial institutions, are at high risk of experiencing financial losses due to BGP hijacking attacks. In some cases, the damage can be so severe that a business may not recover from it.

The Potential for Data Theft and Espionage

BGP hijacking can provide an attacker with an opportunity to intercept and steal sensitive data, such as usernames, passwords, or credit card information. Attackers can also use hijacking to conduct espionage by intercepting sensitive information passing across targeted networks.

Real-World Examples of BGP Hijacking

Major Incidents and Their Impact Several high-profile incidents of BGP hijacking have occurred in recent years, including attacks on Amazon, Google, and various crypto currency companies. These attacks have resulted in significant financial losses and damage to the reputations of the targeted organizations.

Lessons Learned from Past Attacks

Past attacks have highlighted the need for better security solutions to protect against BGP hijacking. Companies and organizations must be aware of the risks and take steps to protect themselves proactively.

The Increasing Frequency of Attacks

BGP hijacking attacks are becoming more common, and attackers are finding new and sophisticated methods for carrying out these attacks.

How BGP Hijacking Works in Practice

Attackers use several methods to carry out BGP hijacking attacks like:

  • Forging BGP announcements to redirect traffic.
  • Taking advantage of software flaws or vulnerabilities to manipulate routing information.
  • Spoofing internet protocol (IP) addresses to obscure their attack.

Malicious Tools and Techniques

Attackers use various malicious tools and techniques to facilitate BGP hijacking like:

  • Malware: Compromised or infected devices to carry out attacks.
  • Botnets: Networks of compromised devices to carry out attacks.
  • Rootkits: Malicious software that gives attackers covert access to hijacked networks.

Advanced Techniques to Prevent BGP Hijacking

Techniques such as BGPsec (a secure version of BGP) and RPKI (Resource Public Key Infrastructure) can help to prevent BGP hijacking by adding security to the protocol.

Detecting and Preventing BGP Hijacking

Tools for Detecting BGP Hijacking Several tools exist to detect BGP hijacking:

  • BGPmon: A tool that monitors BGP routing tables for suspicious activity.
  • Prefix whois: A tool that allows you to look up registry information for specific prefixes.
  • Team Cymru IP-to-ASN Mapping: A tool that maps IP address ranges to their corresponding autonomous system numbers.

Best Practices for Prevention

There are several best practices for preventing BGP hijacking like:

  • Properly configuring BGP to prevent route leaks or hijacks.
  • Implementing source address validation (SAV) to create a chain of trust between routing announcements and IP addresses.
  • Using secure protocols like BGPsec or RPKI to add security to BGP routing information.

Mitigation Strategies for Minimizing Risk

In addition to prevention, there are several mitigation strategies for minimizing risk from BGP hijacking like:

  • Implementing filter rules to block or restrict traffic from untrusted networks.
  • Keeping software up to date to minimize the risk of software vulnerabilities.
  • Monitoring your network for suspicious activity.

Case Studies of Successful BGP Hijacking Prevention

Success Stories from Businesses and Organizations

Several businesses and organizations have successfully prevented BGP hijacking like:

Google: Used RPKI and BGPsec to prevent hijacking attacks.

Cloudflare: Used a combination of BGP monitoring and secure routing protocols to prevent hijacking attacks.

Akamai: Implemented source address validation (SAV) to create a chain of trust between routing announcements and IP addresses.

Lessons Learned from Successful Prevention

Successful prevention requires proactive measures like implementing secure protocols, monitoring for suspicious activity, and implementing best practices like source address validation.

BGP Hijacking and National Security

The Impact on National Security Interests BGP hijacking can have a significant impact on national security interests. Nation-state actors could use hijacking attacks to disrupt critical infrastructure or access sensitive information.

The Role of Government in Preventing BGP Hijacking

Governments can play a role in preventing BGP hijacking by:

  • Developing regulations to ensure that networks are appropriately secured.
  • Investing in research and development to improve BGP security.
  • Collaborating with the private sector to share threat intelligence and best practices.

Efforts to Improve Network Security at the National Level

Several initiatives aim to improve network security at the national level like:

  • The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Enhanced Cyber security Services (ECS) program, which provides enhanced cyber security capabilities.
  • The European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, which funds research into cyber security technologies and solutions.

The Future of BGP Hijacking

Emerging Technologies and their Impact on BGP Hijacking Emerging technologies like software-defined networking (SDN) could help to address some of the security concerns associated with BGP hijacking by providing more secure routing protocols.

Anticipated Future Developments and Trends

Researchers and security experts are constantly working to develop new solutions to prevent BGP hijacking. As security threats evolve, the solutions to prevent them must also evolve.

Strategies for Preparing for the Future of Network Security

To prepare for the future of network security, organizations must focus on proactive measures like threat intelligence sharing, best practices implementation, and security awareness training.


BGP hijacking is a significant threat to network security that can cause irreparable damage to organizations. By understanding the basics of BGP hijacking, taking proactive measures to prevent and detect attacks, and preparing for the future of network security, you can minimize your risk and protect your organization against this growing threat. Remember, prevention is always better than cure.

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